Every idea has a seed. Some may call the idea itself a seed.
Big or small, the seed is the key. The origin of this post has something that is similar and very interesting. Something that has stemmed over a good part of the internet age. The argument between where to draw the line in terms of privacy.
Big or small, the seed is the key. The origin of this post has something that is similar and very interesting. Something that has stemmed over a good part of the internet age. The argument between where to draw the line in terms of privacy.
Having started recently, there was a healthy argument on the same with a fellow noogler during one of the sessions. And that brought back everything from the vault. The argument always remains, that big internet companies, with the extent that they have penetrated into the internet sphere, and the amount of information that they have, have started twisting this very private information to earn the big bucks. This is 'the cause' of why some people have stopped sleeping well at night, and becoming paranoid by the day.
Companies do declare the privacy clauses in the terms and conditions. Although, as a matter of fact, you and I both know how many ever go through them. As they say, the biggest universal lie that people say is, "I have read the the Terms and Conditions, and agree to the same" irrespective of who they are. Let's not even get into all that. The people who complain, when you actually try and understand the reasons, you will not be surprised at the way they rationalize and tailor the privacy clauses at their own behest. To elaborate a bit, it is absolutely agreeable for them to splurge information on the internet for services and products that they deem fit or useful, and from which they would like to reach a desired result that in more cases than not will result in a tangible benefit for them. They will never complain about how efficient the system is becoming and saving them crazy amounts of time, or the fact that the service is free, and most of all, how all of it combined has made life easier for the whole population. However, there will always be that grand gesture, of a ruckus, as soon as they use the information that you willingly provide, to achieve exactly those goals that you set for them.
If we could only take a step back, not get caught up in what is blasted to our senses daily, and think; I am sure a lot of you would change stance if you do not already agree with me.
World today is drastically different from a decade ago. And the chaos is of exponential levels. The priorities of the stakeholders here are no less exposed to the same. The only issue I feel is, that people haven't been able to make sense of this chaos at the same rate.
User's Perspective:
If you think about all of the world's information, in physical terms, it probably will fill this earth completely and more. Fishing through this vastness, is no meagre task, and finding the exact information, even more so. Anything that allows you to do this effectively, is a big plus for the user. It saves lot of time, that can be utilized productively otherwise, or even recreationally. If, privacy allows the system to become smarter in this very cause, why not.
System's Perspective:
User. User. User. That's exactly what Marketing 101 to Infinity is. Everything in the middle is just a way to achieve the end result. And when user wants free stuff that do so much, where do you as a company earn the bucks to make those very products free and improve them. The most basic, and a necessity in terms of product, was search. And I don't really understand the hooplah behind a bot running around your usage history and your preferences, and deliver you the right content. It is not like someone alive is actually viewing the data, and causing you harm.
System's Perspective:
User. User. User. That's exactly what Marketing 101 to Infinity is. Everything in the middle is just a way to achieve the end result. And when user wants free stuff that do so much, where do you as a company earn the bucks to make those very products free and improve them. The most basic, and a necessity in terms of product, was search. And I don't really understand the hooplah behind a bot running around your usage history and your preferences, and deliver you the right content. It is not like someone alive is actually viewing the data, and causing you harm.
Also, all the bucks earned revolve around tailoring the content for the user, to deliver them just right, by using this information which is collected and making the system intelligent. It appears to be a win - win situation all around. You would really not expect the firm to continue on a free model for the services unless they make money out of something.
There will always be something scary that big giants like Google would be doing. There also might be some mis-steps. And at the scale and rate of innovation with which some of these organizations work, they are a part of the game. But, once you understand the reasoning behind the steps and how the companies core values work in protecting the user, you would realize there is nothing much to be scared about. Ammends are always made, and REJOICE, might be the better expression.
In the End, always remember:
Everything is OPT In here. So stop cribbing.
There will always be something scary that big giants like Google would be doing. There also might be some mis-steps. And at the scale and rate of innovation with which some of these organizations work, they are a part of the game. But, once you understand the reasoning behind the steps and how the companies core values work in protecting the user, you would realize there is nothing much to be scared about. Ammends are always made, and REJOICE, might be the better expression.
In the End, always remember:
Everything is OPT In here. So stop cribbing.
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